

The “Brest” FEZ Administration renders every assistance to the companies which would like to run their business in the Free Economic Zone. Our specialists will provide you with information and render advisory assistance in preparing investment projects, address the issues of enterprise siting within the territory of the Free Economic Zone, select the land plots offered for lease, provide assistance in selecting vacant production areas. Business entities and residents of the Free Economic Zone will be officially registered; contracts to conduct business activities within the territory of the Free Economic Zone will be concluded.

Ask Us And We Will Answer.

Our aim is to perform informational and promotional work, which helps enhance the image and advance the interests of the resident enterprises of the Free Economic Zone on the domestic and foreign markets. Our specialists are ready to provide assistance in preparing business events (business meetings, cooperation exchange events, conferences, presentations) at any time.

Administration of the FEZ "Brest":

to provide assistance to and to consult the enterprises registered as the Brest FEZ residents during the period of their establishment and the period of their business activity

to execute state registration of all economic entities in the FEZ and their registration as residents of the Brest FEZ

to provide land lots for lease and to assist in the choice and giving into lease vacant production areas

to represent interests of the Brest FEZ residents in relations with the Republican bodies of state management and bodies of local management and self-government

to consider and appraise investment projects of home and foreign investors and to take concrete decision on their implementation

to conclude with the Brest FEZ residents contracts on the terms of operation in the Brest FEZ

to co-ordinate with the regional and Republican state structures the placement of the suggested investment projects on the Brest FEZ territory

to organize and to hold the events (business meetings, co-operation burses, conferences and etcetera), aiming to support the favorable investment image of the Brest FEZ and its residents

We support Belarusian and foreign investors in their projects on siting and expanding their business from the concept stage right through to the implementation of their projects. Our priority is to support start-up companies in the process of launching their projects and their further development.

In the course of duration of your company, the “Brest” FEZ Administration will represent your interests in the State Administration Agencies.